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Grieving for your pet?

by | 2020

Sylvia recognises that distress isn’t only about personal relationships or problems at work. For some people losing a pet can be as painful as the death of a member of the family – perhaps even more so, because of the very special bond we can have with our pets.
You might wonder where to turn for help, understand and help to cope with the hurt and the feel ing of desperation that just will not go away, and especially the feeling of guilt if you had to make to find someone can the decision have your pet euthanized (“put down”). The special bond of love and trust between animals and human is unconditional love. This Group will suppot you through the deep pain you feel when you think no one will understand this special loss.
Sylvia has a close bond with animals and other animal lovers. She has experienced the very sad loss of her beloved 3-year old cat, Matreya, which has contributed to the development of the empathy in pet bereavement for which she is known. 

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