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Hello there,

I’m Sylvia Milton MSc

Empathy In Practice

Satisfied Previous Corporate Clients

I’m Here to Help.

Sylvia Milton is a very experienced Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist with Practices in Camilla Baldwin (Specialist Family Lawyers) MAYFAIR, The Priory Hospital, ROEHAMPTON and The Natural Medicine Centre, West Wickham, KENT.

She established her Practice in 1988 and worked with top professional consultants at the Sex and Relationship Clinic at Guy’s Hospital for some 17 years. She was also LBC’s on-air counsellor for eight years, presented her own nightly phone- in, and has appeared on many other radio and TV programmes, both as Guest and regular Presenter.

“I’ll see you always get outstanding service

I’ll see you’re cared for and feel supported

I’ll see you get the best choice of treatment

I’ll see that your appointments are at times when you want them

I’ll see that you are totally satisfied with the service delivered”

-Sylvia Milton


Empathy In Practice.

Sylvia Milton is a very experienced Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist with Practices in Camilla Baldwin (Specialist Family Lawyers) MAYFAIR, The Priory Hospital, ROEHAMPTON and The Natural Medicine Centre, West Wickham, KENT.



experienced Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist with Practices in Camilla Baldwin (Specialist Family Lawyers) MAYFAIR, The Priory Hospital, ROEHAMPTON and The Natural Medicine Centre, West Wickham, KENT.


psychosexual therapy

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Sylvia Milton is a COSRT Accredited and UKCP Registered Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist.

For some 17 years, she worked as a psychosexual and relationship therapist alongside senior consultants at the York Sex & Relationship Clinic, Guy’s Hospital, London.

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St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, is a general acute hospital in the heart of London, dealing with a range of adult and paediatric conditions.

For two years, Sylvia worked with Prof. R.W. Beard (Gynaecologist) as a Pain Counsellor for women suffering from Pelvic Pain Disorder. She gave a Gold Service to patients…

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Broadcast Media

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Sylvia is a very experienced broadcaster and started her media journey by speaking on behalf of the Samaritans on Jeremy Beadle’s phone-in on LBC Radio. She was also a Guest Speaker for Samaritans on the then Thames TV Social Action Broadcasting programme, “HELP”.

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  • Neuro – relates to the brain and how your neurological processes affect your thoughts, emotions and physiology and subsequent behaviours.
  • Linguistic – relates to language and how you use it to communicate with others and influence your experience.
  • Programming – relates to repetitive patterns of behaviour and the internal thoughts that help you evaluate situations, solve problems and make decisions.
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Relationship Therapy

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Grief Counselling

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Couple Therapy

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Over the past 22 years, in her practices at The Priory Hospital and Harley Street, and her 17 years working with couples in the Sex and Relationship Clinic at Guy’s Hospital, Sylvia has seen hundreds of couples struggling to keep their relationships together.



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Working With Young People

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Alongside her professional therapist qualifications, Sylvia Milton holds a Youth Leadership Certificate, City & Guilds 924 Youth Training Certificate and Royal Society of Arts qualification in the development of Learning, and Open University Certificate in Educational Psychology.

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Blue Chip Corporate

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Trainer, Workplace Counsellor, Counselling Supervisor, Mentor

Sylvia’s experience includes the design, organisation and delivery of many MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS AND WELLBEING PROJECTS including taking counselling services into business and industry.

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Sylvia conducts individual and group hypnotherapy for a wide range of difficulties that people experience, e.g. Phobias about spiders, flying or public speaking, Pain Management, Poor Self Esteem, Low Self Confidence, etc.

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Integrative Therapy

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For the past 22 years in her practice, Sylvia has found that while insight can bring about understanding, the effectiveness of the Psychodynamic approach is doubled when the Treatment Plan is enhanced by the use of other therapeutic methods, facilitating an Integrative Approach to a solution that is specific to that client.

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Pain Counselling

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Sylvia offers CBT Therapy for individuals, couples or young people, who are finding life difficult to cope with. Her commitment is to help people to understand what is happening to them, to find a way to take greater control of their lives, feel better about themselves and, when they feel ready, to move forward.

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Learning Development

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Samaritans: For some 18 years, Sylvia worked with The Samaritans, as a volunteer, Team Leader and London Regional Representative for the 16 branches, for their outreach work. It gave her a firm grounding in practical empathy and in helping others to cope with the extreme distress that prompts them to call The Samaritans. It also helped to develop her training skills.

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Public Sector

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Sylvia has contributed significantly to the public sector. She worked for 4 years with the Occupational Health Department of the Metropolitan Police Service.

Her role was to train all Occupational Health Advisors, Welfare Officers and Counsellors within the Met’s Trauma Support Programme in a variety of Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace programmes.

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Psychodynamic Counselling

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The essence of the Psychodynamic Counselling approach is that insight effects change, while the essence of Integrative Therapy is to bring together a collection of therapies which can usefully serve the client though a more expansive approach to the resolution of the client’s situation.

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Pet Bereavement

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Sylvia recognises that distress isn’t only about personal relationships or problems at work. Research has shown that for some people losing a pet can be as painful as the death of a member of the family – perhaps even more so, because of the very special bond we can have with our pets, and the difficulty of sharing this loss with others.

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Group Therapy

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"I have worked with Sylvia at Guys Hospital for many years. She is an excellent, experienced and empathetic therapist who has always put the need of her clients first. I have also been involved in a number of workshop and training events for a variety of bodies, both public and commercial, where her communication skills together with knowledge and ability to understand people has produced outstanding results."

Dr.Martin Baggaley, Executive Medical Director South London and Maudsley (SLAM) NHS Foundation Trust

"I've have been referring patients to Ms. Milton as a psychotherapist for the past 10 years both for individual and couple therapy. I have always found her empathetic, lateral thinking, problem-solving and very available both practically and emotionally to all patients referred to her. She is excellent at communicating the progress of patients in both regular supervisions and in times of crisis.

Dr Niall Campbell, MB BS MRCPsych Consultant Psychiatrist The Priory Hospital Roehampton

"The dynamic and innovative training programmes devised and delivered by Sylvia gave my team the skills to support troubled employees within an ever-changing corporate environment. This, plus her empathetic approach to individual supervision, instilled the confidence to embrace a totally different model of Occupational Health delivery. She is a uniquely multi-talented individual, and I definitely recommend."

Carol Cholerton, Occupational Health Consultant

"Working with Sylvia was probably one of our best business decisions. She not only has an extraordinary knowledge of mental health issues both proactive and reactive, but she also has that rare ability to apply it to the world of business. Our people at every level responded unbelievably well to her empathetic but focused style whether it was in training or one on one support."

 Christine Owen’s Worldwide Partner & Global Health Management Leader, Mercer (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

"I have known Sylvia Milton as a therapist at Guy’s Psychosexual Clinic since 1996 and later at the Northover Community Mental Health Team. She brings to therapy a wealth of experience from her media work and couple therapy. She is a pleasant and professional colleague who will be an asset to any therapeutic team.”

Dr. Nick Dunn, Consultant Psychiatrist, Hayes Grove Priory Hospital, Kent

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